Friday, January 24, 2020

Henry David Thoreau :: Biography

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry David Thoreau was bon on July 12, 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts, on his grandmother’s farm. Thoreau was of French-Huguenot and Scottish-Quaker decent. Thoreau was interested in writing at an early age. At the age of ten he wrote his first essay â€Å"The seasons†. He attended Concord Academy until 1833 when he was accepted to Harvard University but with his pending financial situation he was forced to attend Cambridge in August of 1833. In September of 1833 with the help of his family he was able to attend Harvard University. He graduated college in August of 1837.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Thoreau returned home his family noticed a change in his personality. He was no longer accepting people’s opinions as facts but would shock people with his own independent and unconventional opinions. He desired to live his life with the freedom to think and act as he wished. He obtained a local teaching job and refused to Flog children as punishment. Instead he would give moral lectures. The community objected to this method of punishment and forced Thoreau to flog his incorrigible children. That day Thoreau flogged six students and then turned in his resignation. He did so believing that physical punishment should have no place in education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1837 Thoreau’s sister introduced hi to Lucy Jackson Brown. Lucy Jackson Brown was the sister-in-law of Ralph Waldo Emerson. She read some of Thoreau’s work and noticed a similarity between his writing and Emerson’s writing. When she informed Emerson of this news he demanded that the two meet. Upon meeting each other they quickly became friends. Emerson helped Thoreau deliver his first lecture â€Å"Society†. Emerson introduced Thoreau to the rest of the Transcendental Club, which included Bronson Alcott, Margaret Fuller and many others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On August 31, 1839 Thoreau and his older brother, John, left Concord on a boat trip down the Concord river, onto Middlesex Canal, into the Merrimack River and into the state of New Hampshire. This trip left Thoreau with the experiences to write his first Book, A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Early in 1841 Thoreau’s brother John became seriously ill. Not able to deal with the current situation Thoreau moved into an upstairs bedroom in Emerson’s home. On March 11th of the following year Thoreau lost his friend and life long companion, his brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On July 4, 1845 Thoreau decided to go on sabbatical at the nearby Walden Pond. Henry David Thoreau :: Biography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry David Thoreau was bon on July 12, 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts, on his grandmother’s farm. Thoreau was of French-Huguenot and Scottish-Quaker decent. Thoreau was interested in writing at an early age. At the age of ten he wrote his first essay â€Å"The seasons†. He attended Concord Academy until 1833 when he was accepted to Harvard University but with his pending financial situation he was forced to attend Cambridge in August of 1833. In September of 1833 with the help of his family he was able to attend Harvard University. He graduated college in August of 1837.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Thoreau returned home his family noticed a change in his personality. He was no longer accepting people’s opinions as facts but would shock people with his own independent and unconventional opinions. He desired to live his life with the freedom to think and act as he wished. He obtained a local teaching job and refused to Flog children as punishment. Instead he would give moral lectures. The community objected to this method of punishment and forced Thoreau to flog his incorrigible children. That day Thoreau flogged six students and then turned in his resignation. He did so believing that physical punishment should have no place in education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1837 Thoreau’s sister introduced hi to Lucy Jackson Brown. Lucy Jackson Brown was the sister-in-law of Ralph Waldo Emerson. She read some of Thoreau’s work and noticed a similarity between his writing and Emerson’s writing. When she informed Emerson of this news he demanded that the two meet. Upon meeting each other they quickly became friends. Emerson helped Thoreau deliver his first lecture â€Å"Society†. Emerson introduced Thoreau to the rest of the Transcendental Club, which included Bronson Alcott, Margaret Fuller and many others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On August 31, 1839 Thoreau and his older brother, John, left Concord on a boat trip down the Concord river, onto Middlesex Canal, into the Merrimack River and into the state of New Hampshire. This trip left Thoreau with the experiences to write his first Book, A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Early in 1841 Thoreau’s brother John became seriously ill. Not able to deal with the current situation Thoreau moved into an upstairs bedroom in Emerson’s home. On March 11th of the following year Thoreau lost his friend and life long companion, his brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On July 4, 1845 Thoreau decided to go on sabbatical at the nearby Walden Pond.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Speech Outline on Organic Food

Choosing Organic By: Kayla Ray Informative Speech SC105: T Th 3:30 Mrs. Becker March 4, 2013 General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: I want my audience to understand the importance of purchasing and consuming organic food. Thesis: Choosing to purchase and consume organic food is a smart and healthy choice for you and your family. Formal Outline of Speech Introduction I. â€Å"The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000. † Food activist, Michael Pollan, makes this statement as the introduction to a documentary titled Food Inc. which discusses the way food is being produced today in America. A. Now, there are many choices that can be made when trying to eat healthy. 1. Eating the recommended amount of calories, eating many fruits and vegetables, getting a sandwich from subway instead of getting a hamburger from McDonalds, or drinking water instead of soda. 2. These can all be good decisions, but is it beneficial if it is not organic? Of course it can be, but is it as beneficial? II. Eating organic food can do things for your body that non organic food cannot do. A. After watching the documentary, Food Inc. I was shocked to find out how our food is being produced and handled in America. 1. Is the process of how our food is made something we need to recognize? 2. Is it better for our food to be brought up naturally by hard working farmers rather than being abused, pumped up with hormones and filled with many other chemicals? 3. The answer to these questions should potentially be yes. B. Non organic food is not only less beneficial to eat, but has the potential to harm our families. III. [Thesis] Choosing to purchase and consume organic food is a smart and healthy choice for you and your family.IV. [Preview] I’m now going to inform you of how the importance of purchasing and consuming organic food relates to each and every one of us and can improve our quality of life. (Transition) First, let’s establish exactly what organic means. Body I. Organic food is different than other food in many ways. A. According to the first nationally certified organic grocer in the U. S. , Whole Foods Market, â€Å"Organic agriculture is a production method that emphasizes the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality. 1. When growing organic produce food is rotated in such a way to keep soil rich in nutrients and optimal for supporting many years of growth and supplying optimal amounts of micronutrients and minerals. 2. When raising organic livestock the animals eat food that's free of antibiotics, growth hormones, drugs, chemicals and pesticides. They also tend to be free-range which means all year long, the livestock are allowed outside and have the option of going inside if they wish. This allows animals to get exercise and fresh air, and live a more natural existenceB. In an article titled, What’s So Great About Organic Food, Jeffre y Kluger states, Organic foods of all kinds currently represent only about 3% of the total American market, according to the most recent numbers from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, but it's a sector we all should be supporting more. 1. And it’s projected that the numbers will just continue to increase simply because people are becoming more aware of the dangers and effects non-organic food can have on you and your family. Transition) Now, we all know how important fruits and veggies are in your diet, but how healthy can they be if they are filled with chemicals? II. Well, Organic food doesn’t contain chemicals. A. Whole Foods Market describes agricultural management practices as farming that promotes healthy eco-systems and prohibits the use of genetically engineered seeds or crops, sewage sludge, long-lasting pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. B. Some of the most popular fruits and vegetables contain the highest amount of pesticides. . There are no seasons in the American supermarket, says Michael Pollan, now there are tomatoes all year round, grown halfway around the world, picked when it was green, and ripened with ethylene gas. Although it looks like a tomato, it's kind of a notional tomato. I mean, it's the idea of a tomato. a. For example, we can take a look at these red grapefruit where one is organic and the other is not. b. We can see that the organic fruit is actually red, whereas the non-organic is discolored.This is the case because the grapefruit on the left was naturally ripened and the grapefruit on the right was most likely gassed with many chemicals in order to ripen. 2. According to Whatsonmyfood. org, 88 million pounds of pesticides are applied each and every year in the U. S. That’s nearly 3 pounds per person! a. Also, they state that an average American child gets five or more servings of pesticide residues in their food and water every day! i. If I could help it I wouldn’t want my kids even being aroun d that and I definitely wouldn’t want them to be ingesting it. Transition) Now, let’s take a look at livestock because another important part of our diet is beef and poultry. III. Organic animals are raised in a way that is natural. A. Whole Foods Market describes livestock management as practices that promote healthy, humanely treated animals by providing organically-grown feed, fresh air and outdoor access while using no antibiotics or added growth hormones. B. There are obvious differences in organic and non-organic chicken. 1. Such as the organic yolks being a much brighter yellow signifying that the chicken is eating greens and bugs instead of being corn fed. . This also leads to significantly higher nutrients that are present in the yolk. 2. To add to that, we can look at the picture of the two whole chickens. Which one would you choose? a. Notice the extreme size of the one on the left due to growth hormones and corn feed. b. Then notice the thick layer of yello wish fat covering the skin†¦. GROSS! C. But the biggest issue is what we find is in our beef. Many diseases are found in non-organic beef simply because cows are not evolved to digest corn. As Michael Pollan states in an interview on www. pbs. rg, as soon as you introduce corn, the animal is liable to get sick. You start giving them antibiotics, because as soon as you give them corn, you've disturbed their digestion, and they're apt to get sick, so you then have to give them drugs. That's how you get in this whole cycle of drugs and meat. 1. In the documentary, Food Inc. , they tell a story about a boy named Kevin. a. According to Kevin’s story, published on www. foodborneillness. org, Kevin had eaten three hamburgers in the week prior to his illness and died twelve days later from E. oli O157:H7. He was only 2 years, 8 months and 1 day old. b. Also stated in the article written by Kevin’s mom, Barbara Kowalcyk, each year in the United States, thousands of America ns suffer and die from preventable foodborne illness just like Kevin. 2. If we look to my images, we can easily see how much more lean and healthy the organic meat looks compared to the non-organic. a. Grass fed beef contains less total fat and calories, 2-6 times more heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids, and more antioxidant vitamins. i. All for the betterment of your health! Transition) These differences in organic and non-organic foods are affecting us greatly in every one of our lives and should definitely be considered. Conclusion I. As I have explain to you here today, choosing organic is a smart and healthy way to greatly benefit you and your family. A. Organic produce and livestock naturally have more nutrients and even though it all many cost a little extra it will make you healthier in the long run and prevent you from becoming sick. 1. This will even out the cost and actually possibly save you money! II. The demand for organic food is growing more and more every day.When yo u buy organic you are voting for a better food system in America. A. As Troy Roush, Vice President of the American Corn Growers Association, puts it, â€Å"People have got to start demanding good, wholesome food of us, and we'll deliver. † Bibliography Food, Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Perf. Michael Pollan, Troy Roush. Documentary, 2008. Film. â€Å"Frontline Modern Meat Interview: Michael Pollan. † PBS. PBS, n. d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. . Kluger, Jeffrey. â€Å"What's So Great About Organic Food?. † Time 176. 9 (2010): 30-40.Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. Kowalcyk, Barbara. â€Å"Kevin's Story. † Kevin's Story. Center for Foodborne Lllness Research and Prevention, 2008. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. ;http://www. foodborneillness. org/leadership/140- kevins-story. html;. â€Å"Organic Food What Does â€Å"Organic† Mean? † Organic Food | Whole Foods Market. Whole Foods Market, 2013. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. ;http://www. wholefoodsmarket. com/about-our- products/organic-food;. â€Å"Pesticides: A Public Problem. † What’s On My Food? Pesticide Action Network North America, 2010. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. ;http://www. whatsonmyfood. org/index. jsp;.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay A Man For All Seasons - 2036 Words

In the play A Man For All Seasons, the main character is Sir Thomas More. Sir Thomas is the Chancellor of England and a very religious man. Once, during a conversation with Wolsey (Chancellor at the time) about the King needing a son, Wolsey asks if Sir Thomas would like to govern the whole country by prayer and Sir Thomas agrees. This shows how strong his faith was. Sir Thomas is a friend of King Henry VIII, but when he disagreed with the King’s opinion on marriage, he was beheaded. King Henry was married to Catherine of Argon, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Catherine was Henry’s brother’s widow. King Henry and Catherine were married â€Å"for State reasons†, but although Catherine was pregnant many times, only one child†¦show more content†¦Everyone is shocked that Sir Thomas has to leave now, because it’s 11:00 at night. In Scene 2, Sir Thomas is at Cardinal Wolsey’s. Wolsey is old with a big decayed body. Wolsey asks for Sir Thomas’s help. The King wants a son and Catherine cannot get him one. He wants the King to get a divorce for â€Å"State reasons.† Sir Thomas doesn’t agree, so Wolsey says he was an enemy in him, until he â€Å"comes down to earth.† In Scene 3, Sir Thomas is looking for a boat, and Cromwell approaches him. Thomas Cromwell is in his late 30’s, subtle, serious, and an intellectual bully. Cromwell is on his way to see the Cardinal and wants to know how things went with him and Sir Thomas. Signor Chapuys shows up. He is the Spanish Ambassador who is in like 60’s and a professional diplomat. Chapuys tells Sir Thomas that the King of Spain would be very insulted if Catherine were to be hurt or insulted. He uses this as a kind of threat to Sir Thomas, as if to make sure Catherine will not get hurt. In Scene 4, when Sir Thomas comes home, he finds out that William Roper is there with Lady Margaret. Roper wants to marry Margaret, but Si r Thomas says he cannot as long as he is a heretic. Sir Thomas tells William to get a horse out of the stable and go home. When Lady Alice and Lady Margaret try to talk to Sir Thomas about his visit with Wolsey, Thomas just ignores them. Lady Alice says that Norfolk was talking about Sir Thomas for Chancellor, and SirShow MoreRelatedA Man for All Seasons Essay716 Words   |  3 PagesIn the beginning of A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More is introduced as a profoundly religious man focused on adhering to the laws of his country and faith. As the play progresses the audience sees More putting further faith into his belief that by abiding to the present laws and withholding his opinion about King Henry VIII’s divorce he will be protected from prosecution. The issue starts when the King wishes to divorce his brother’s wife, who initially he had taken as his own through a specialRead MoreThe Film A Man For All Seasons1605 Words   |  7 PagesThe film A Man for All Seasons is an absolute masterpiece. It really is a cinematic tour de force. Directed by the legendary Fred Zinnemann, well known for High Noon, and starring incredibly talented and powerful actors as Paul Scofield, who plays the wonderful Thomas Moore, Orson Welles, and John Hurt. This won six academy awards in 1966. The film uses the historical story of Sir Thomas Moore to explore one of Zinnemann’s favorite themes-- martyrdom- a person standing up even to deathRead More A Man For All Seasons Essay1888 Words   |  8 Pagesconflict and corruption †¦ and a time of heroes? All these elements are visibly present in Bolt’s book, A Man for All Seasons. As I was reading this story I was thinking that it could probably apply to our day and age but that begged the question. Why did Robert Bolt decide to use a 16th century character rather than a present time period character and setting? I believe that Bolt chose this man and his era because there things that he liked abut the man, there was no shortage of conflict and the heRead MoreA Man For All Seasons By Robert Bolt1278 Words   |  6 PagesThe book â€Å"A Man for All Seasons,† by Robert Bolt is a play written to teach us a few important lessons about life. He wrote A Man for All Seasons in 1960, and the play was mounted on the London stage that same year and in New York in 1961. The themes that Bolt uses in writing this play ar e moral values, self, friendship, and corruption. Moral values are when a character respects his own opinion about something. Self and friendship are the relationships built between characters and how that affectsRead MoreThomas Paine : A Man For All Season1138 Words   |  5 PagesI offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and, common sense.† (Common Sense, Thomas Paine) Thomas Paine is seen as one of the most influential and outspoken igniters of the American Revolution. In his pamphlet commonsense he addresses all the ideas of government and constitutional pragmatism. William Hogeland in his article Thomas Paine’s Revolutionary Reckoning. Hogeland describes Paine’s life in great detail as well as showing the conflict between Paine and President George WashingtonRead MoreThe significance of the Common Man in A Man For All Seasons Essay3855 Words   |  16 Pagesuses the Common Man to emphasise the features of the major characters The significance of the Common Man in ‘A Man For All Seasons.’ ============================================================== I have decided to explore how Bolt uses the Common Man to emphasise the features of the major characters and to illustrate the main themes of the play. I will also explore the role the common man plays in the structure of the play and his effect on the audience. The Common Man is the only characterRead More Robert Bolts A Man For All Seasons Essay1057 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Bolts A Man For All Seasons In the play, written by Robert Bolt, A man for all seasons the Common Man is a very important character and also a very important part of the play, not in the plot but in the way the play has been presented, he is both a narrator and a role player who makes the play more interesting and separates it from reality. The Common Man also introduces some of the ideas from Bertolt Brechts work. The idea of the Common Man is a rare and rather unusual oneRead MoreEssay on Corruption in the Play â€Å"a Man for All Seasons†1738 Words   |  7 PagesCorruption in the play â€Å"A Man For All Seasons† The main plot in the play â€Å"A Man For All Seasons† by Robert Bolt is corruption, more specifically political corruption. While the play focuses heavily on the social demise, and moral strength of the character Thomas More. It also covers the inverse process with other characters, such as; Richard Rich, Thomas Cromwell, and the king of England Henry VIII. In the play Thomas More stands as a beacon of selfhood and virtue, while the other three men usedRead MoreThe Divine Command Theory : A Man For All Seasons1640 Words   |  7 Pagesbe good, and anything that he denounces must be evil. According to DCT, a person is not moral without believing in God (Pojman 188-9). The DCT can be applied to Sir Thomas More’s reasoning and actions in his life. In Robert Bolt’s play, A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More is viewed as a saint or a person who is morally good. More’s conflict comes from his refusal to go against his morals and self that were connected to God and the Catholic Church. He is willing to give up his family, friendsRead MoreRobert Bolt s A Man For All Seasons2006 Words   |  9 PagesEtti A Man for All Seasons was a play written by Robert Bolt in 1960. The play showcased the controversy and corruption in sixteenth century politics in England. It demonstrated how treachery can easily befall anyone at any time as long as people have the determination and the correct position of power to bring them down. It displays how corrupt the time period was and how people were willing to turn on others for their own selfish reason. In Robert Bolt?s A Man for All Seasons, political corruption